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Showing posts from 2016

You can’t handle social media

The internet was supposed to make us smarter. Google thinks that’s one of Alphabets main jobs, or they advertise themselves as Information Providers anyway. It’s not working. We are either getting righteously naive or socially inept, or both.  Way back in the early 2000’s, at the peak of my world wide connected optimism about this new democratic, humanitarian, freedom of information age, I taught my toddler how to ‘surf’ and ‘use a mouse’-now that terminology even dates him. On a positive note, he actually did turn out to be really smart. That may be because the chicken came before Google or if you asked the nurses at the hippie hospital he was born in, they would say it was the breastfeeding-but I have proof that’s not it. And that is just it-yes, I said it’s not it, but it is. The amount of misinformation that lingers and spreads, the lies that are let live-it’s not any better with the internet-or smart phones. Proof? Ok, my daughter. As though needed more to be said, still, ...

The Write Kind of Crazy

You’re sick. You are all sick, those of you that are writers, you are, and you know it. Let’s talk openly about it for a moment without fear of confirming anyone else's assumptions about what being a (w/ air quotes) “writer” (hand does circle motions by the ear) means. It's neither wholly crazy or lazy (although both are constant threats). Honestly, it’s quite chivalric the way writers donate their minds and bodies for the sake of the craft and not for want of fame and money- No Siree!  Nope, most writers give their work away for free and willingly even, like charity without philanthropy.  Because ultimately a writer has to get it out and if its good-someday, someone may notice, that’s why. That’s what motivates writers to spill ink on the page-I know, that isn’t the way it’s done anymore, 'spreading ink', but spreading pixels across the screen doesn’t sound dimensional or nearly dramatic enough. “Get Ink and weep/ Write of it. Sob your heart out sin...

Figuring it out

  Photograph by Orren Jack Turner, Princeton, N.J. Modified with Photoshop by PM_Poon and later by Dantadd. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. A re men better than women at math? I have often wondered if this is a genetic tendency just as men have better spacial (not special) sense than women.  Since women are wired with a stronger sense of smell you would think I could smell a sexist generalization, but I sense that there may be something to this. As a writer, the common stereotype applies, I personally prefer letters to numbers, and especially abhor word problems but love logic puzzles. How’s that for typical? And since there are writers of both sexes, I guess that generalization is more grandiose than Texas. I digress, after watching a match genius on The Ellen Show , who is of course male, and who could add 10 numbers in seconds after they were flashed in (fast) sequence, I was astounded at his skill. It is a skill, he confirmed, not a “gift” as some may conclu...

America thru Polarized Lenses

Image By Roberto Hoyos ( [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons. I t’s no secret American’s are obsessed with their “things”, we invented hoarding. In fact, if you ask Donald Trump, he’ll tell you we invented “things” themselves. Most Americans will also agree that there are certain “things” that are more “Uh-mare-kun” than others; like Coca Cola, Levis, Elvis, Apple Pie and baseball (but don’t mean to blow your blimp-those last two are really adaptations of other nations traditions). Nothing is (capital t) Truly more American than the starving artist. No, is that Parisian? Okay, nothing is more American than the dejected, rejected (aka self-employed middle class) ‘creator’ of anything. Creating is hard in this country. And while I particularly love salmon, I am sick of the thought of all this fighting upstream is just to end up where I started and die. No, persistence doesn’t always “pay off” in cash, but it is the key to happiness, es...