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Showing posts from July, 2015

Purple People Eaters and Carbon Crunchers

It all started with a purple picture of our planet. Have you ever been shopping at a store or dining out when the power goes out or just the credit card terminal is on the fritz? It’s quite comical actually. In fact, the level of confuzzlement seems directly related to the age of the person needing to take your money. The younger the cashier/clerk/waiter is, the higher this level peaks. Of course cash would solve the problem, but who carries that anymore? I have encountered some MacGyver -esque cashiers who tear a strip of receipt tape and rub your credit cards raised image onto it, it works. Basically this procedure is like a retro version of those old plastic and metal slide credit card device with those carbon copy slips, most stores don’t even have those lying around anymore, I've even shown someone how to use one (as a customer). I’ve also seen the look of defeat on those young faces, the contemplation of “giving it away” (items or goods) instead of figuring a way to