Image from ebay auction (closed) Now that the image of physical perfection is blasted everywhere we look, the obsession with our “packages”, or “bodies” has become relentless, but there is hope for all of us with the latest fad diet-at least I’m hoping it becomes one anyway. This one actually works kind of like a microwave, working from the inside out and the results are permanent. This fad diet does not include any food restrictions, or mean beating yourself up over missing a workout, this diet actually promises to put you in a better mood-seriously! Most females talk about their weight issues like the weather. It's mandatory small talk but ultimately it’s a silly ritual where one puts themselves down so the other can compliment them back-women! The obsession with appearance is not an entirely bad thing or even shallow value. In fact certain standards are actually hygiene related and taking care of the way you smell and look is just basic courtesy when in public. Yet ...
Words to feed the starving artists in all of us